Zyma Air

Zyma Air Therapy is the leader in cold air treatment and introduces a revolutionary approach to tackling lice infestation, offering an effective solution that eliminates the need for pesticides. This non-pesticide treatment utilizes state-of-the-art cooled air technology through a specialized device developed by the experts behind Zyma Air Therapy.

When it comes to lice treatment options, Zyma Air Therapy stands out as a game-changer. By employing this innovative cooled air device, lice and their eggs can be swiftly immobilized and easily removed. This eliminates the labor-intensive process of nit-picking and ensures a 100% guaranteed success rate in lice removal.

With Zyma Air Therapy, individuals facing a lice infestation now have access to an advanced, non-pesticide treatment that is both efficient and reliable. By leveraging cutting-edge lice removal equipment and the power of cooled air technology, Zyma Air Therapy provides a breakthrough solution to combat lice infestations effectively.

Zyma Air Therapy lice removal machine

Pros of Zyma Air

  • Fast - One 30-minute treatment kills head lice and eggs.
  • 100% Effective - This cooled air process immediately immobilizes lice and nits with a 100% guaranteed removal and success rate.
  • Safe - Zyma Air Therapy is tested and proven to be safe
  • Guaranteed - This cooled air process immediately freezes & kills lice and nits in all stages, making them easily removed in a single treatment.
  • Non-pesticide treatment option - Cool air is a comfortable and safe, non-pesticide, alternative to treating head lice at home with pesticides or using a combing service that can take hours.

Find a Lice Treatment Center with Zyma Air

With Zyma Air, it’s not just about getting rid of lice— it’s about doing it in a comfortable, safe environment, with a guarantee of success.

Zyma Air is only available in professional settings. Schedule an appointment below!

Zyma Air Cooling Treatment vs Heated Air Lice Treatment

There are several options available for the treatment of lice. Although heat treatments are considered one of the most effective treatment options, cold air treatments use similar technology to kill lice. Instead of killing lice with extreme heat, devices like Zyma Air get rid of lice with extreme cold. Both treatments are equally as effective.

Cooled Air Lice Treatment Alternatives

Lice Shampoos

Head lice shampoos are specialized treatments formulated to eradicate head lice, tiny parasitic insects that infest the human scalp. These shampoos primarily contain active ingredients like permethrin or pyrethrin, which work by attacking the nervous system of the lice, thus leading to their demise. While many of these products have been proven effective in treating head lice, their efficacy can vary based on factors such as the severity of the infestation and whether the lice have developed resistance to these chemicals. Furthermore, to ensure comprehensive treatment, it's crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions meticulously and to consider complementing the shampoo with additional methods such as manual nit combing. Some populations of lice have indeed shown resistance to common treatments, necessitating the development and use of alternative methods or products. As always, if one suspects a head lice infestation, consulting a healthcare professional is recommended to determine the best course of action.

Heat Treatments

Heat treatments have emerged as a notable alternative to traditional chemical methods for eradicating head lice. This approach leverages the vulnerability of lice and their eggs to elevated temperatures. Devices specifically designed for this purpose, such as specialized hair dryers or heated air devices, are used to expose the scalp and hair to controlled heat, effectively dehydrating and killing both adult lice and nits. Clinical studies have shown that certain heat treatments can be significantly effective in less than 1 hour. The advantage of heat treatments lies in their non-toxic nature, eliminating concerns about potential side effects from chemicals or the development of chemical-resistant lice strains.

Comb-out Method

The comb out method is a meticulous and time-tested technique employed to eradicate head lice and their eggs (nits) from the hair and scalp. Using a fine-toothed nit comb, ideally one specifically designed for lice removal, the hair is systematically combed section by section to physically remove both adult lice and nits. The process requires wetting the hair and applying conditioner to make the combing smoother. The comb out method is especially favored for its non-toxic nature, posing no harm from chemicals that might be present in lice treatment shampoos or lotions. For best results, the combing should be done regularly, ideally every day or every other day, for at least a week to ensure all newly hatched lice are removed before they can lay more eggs. When used in conjunction with other treatments, the comb out method can significantly increase the chances of completely eliminating a lice infestation.

Lice Treatment FAQs

This cooled air process immediately immobilizes lice and nits in all stages, making them easily removed with 100% guaranteed success.