Professional Association for the Head Lice Industry

Super charge your business without more ad spend! Members get value! Customer facing visibility, credibility & best practices.

Verify your info & claim your membership today.  Become part of the trailblazing community of lice professionals. Register now!


Verified Badge




Directory Listing


Premium Listing Recommended



Certified lice professional badge

Lice can be lonely. We bring professionals together to share information, collaborate, and bring more integrity to our industry as a whole.



spent on lice related ads



years experience in connecting
professionals to parents



clinics helped

We Created This Network for 2 Reasons.

#1 To help lice professionals get found by parents in 1 credible place

#2  To connect member professionals without costly franchise fees

Our network is inclusive and open to treatment providers & vendors of all kinds


Low Cost. High Visibility. High Credibility.

Connect with each other, share best practices and even resources.

Membership Types

Basic Membership


  • Verified directory listing including name, phone number, address, and location on the map
  • Network badge for your website and marketing
  • Lice Industry newsletter featuring information and best practices
  • Member of the Network Referral Program
  • Multiple Locations - 25% off and custom discounts for 5+

Premium Membership


  • All basic membership features plus the below:
  • Lice Network profile page, which will include your logo, seo friendly link to your website or booking tool, and number of treatments you have performed
  • Free installation of the Lice Network Badge for any WordPress Site
  • Membership graphic for you to proudly display in your clinic
  • Pop up above local competitors who aren't premium.
  • Multiple Locations - 86% off ($10 each)



  • Advertise your products/services to your Lice Network Members
  • Lice Network Badge for your website and free installation of the Lice Network Badge for any WordPress Site
  • Access to the Lice Network social media group and the ability to post unlimited friendly questions/comments
  • 1 advertisement per year on the Lice Network social media group
  • 2 advertisements as written by you per year distributed in the Lice Network email newsletter
  • Logo in our newsletter, and listed as a premium vendor

Frequently Asked Questions

The main goal is to be a professional trade group for the lice industry. We are a very fragmented industry, and by putting all of us under one group we can share best practices.